Technology provides many benefits as noted above, but when it comes to children, it has been more of a hazard than a benefit.
I would like to elaborate on the issue of video games and how they have been proven to cause violence and aggressive behavior.
An exerpt from the book, Advances in Experimental Social Psychology by Mark P. Zanna writes,
"Both experimental and correlational studies, on average, yield significant positive relations between exposure to violent video games and aggressive behavior with average effect sizes in the r + = 0.20 range" (Anderson and Bushman, 2001)
A study by Thomas A. Kooijmans at the Rochester Institute of Technology also finds that,
"During adolescence there is a general increase in the aggression (Lindemann, Harakka, & Keltikangas-Jaervinen, 1997). "This aggression combined with the exposure to violent media will reinforce and increase aggressive cognitions, affects and arousal. This interaction has a negative affect on the internal state, leading to increased aggression (Spear, 2000)."
As you can see, there is strong evidence that backs this distinct relationship.
The Columbine incident of 1999 is also a great example. (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/science/nature/1295920.stm)
For more information, please follow this link:
A good start. There's no summary of the article, that I can see, though. Also, if you're going to mention and link to something about it, explain yourself in more detail and give the link some context.
ReplyDeleteAlso, be careful not to leave a big block of blank space at the end of the post, as this seems to have.